I am the last barman poet...I see America drinking the fabulous cocktails I make...Americans getting stinky on something I stir or shake...The sex on the beach. The schnapps made from peach. The velvet hammer. The Alabama slammer...I make things with juice and froth ...The pink squirrel. The three-toed sloth...I make drinks so sweet and snazzy...The iced tea. The kamakazi . The orgasm. The death spasm. The Singapore sling. The dingaling... America you've just been devoted to every flavor I got ...But if you want to got loaded .... Why don't you just order a shot? Bar is open.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Pitchers. Shots. Shooters. And more… (Go Buckeyes!)

Yesterday afternoon I had plans to watch the college football games with Kris and some of his guy friends, who we will call Michigan, Sir Marks-A-lot and Brooding. There was a 4th but really he made no impression on me and we left him at one of the bars anyways. Although most girls would think that spending a Saturday afternoon with 5 drunken guys watching football was one of the top levels of hell, I think of that as paradise. So off I was… on a little adventure. And boy did I find it. Here is a play by play of last night, or at least what I remember of it. And yes sadly there are some points that are a little blurry! Sorry these aren't reviews...but a jumble of drunkeness instead!

Bar #1- The Shack
Now the Shack was my pick for afternoon bar mainly because it’s an Ohio State Bar (go Buckeyes) but looking back it probably wasn’t the wisest choice seeing as I sent in there a group of not only Michigan fans but a former Michigan football player. Needless to say they got called out of the bar pretty much on entry.

Bar #2- Sonny McLean’s.
Happens to be caddy corner from The Shack so it was the logical next choice. At that point I became well acquainted with Michigan and Sir Marks-a-lot and their tactic of picking up women. Sir Marks-a-lot has a sharpie and Michigan has two arms that he asks woman to draw on. I kid you not! At that point I realize that they have been drinking non-stop since the 9am kickoff of the Ohio-Michigan game. My choice was to sit there and be annoyed or to catch up. I’m sure you can guess which one I choose. And a pitcher of beer later I was starting to enjoy watching them get turned down…

Bar #3- Busbys
This is where the day starts to get a bit fuzzy. Mind you it’s not even 5 at this point and already we are on our way to getting trashed. And what better way than with lots and lots of shots and shooters. And this also is where judgment goes out the window. I had to know I was in for trouble when after our 4th round of shots in about a half hour Mr. Uni turns to me and says- ok from this point on I can’t be held accountable for what happens… um ok. And of course you guessed it. This is where both of us seemed to think it was perfectly acceptable to make out. At. A. Bar. Oh don’t snicker, you know you’ve been there before! And it was hard to resist when he kept telling me how he doesn’t want to scare me off but has been in love with me since high school. Sober I would have run, but drunk it was very cute. This also is where we met up with Miss Lip. Yay another girl…but of course she was very nice but not much of a personality. So much that when we left Busbys to drop off Sir Marks-a-lot to change it wasn’t until we were at his place did we realize we had left her at the bar and had to go back. Once again, I kid you not!

Michigan’s Apartment
Needing a break from the bars at around 7 we went back to Michigan’s Apartment where of course you guessed it, had more booze. And of course got to christen the couch ;) There also was a little freestyle be-bopping with the neighbors on the way out… yes it really was one of the most random nights I’ve had in a long time!

Bar #4- South
One of my favorites so you know this bar of course had to make an appearance. And now this is the part of the evening when Michigan thought I too needed a tattoo so yes I woke up this morning and was like why the hell do I have Zonie written on my arm! Now after some dancing and some more kissing we were off to another bar. But not before we ran into Miss High School. Now this was the part of the evening that I actually found really amusing. We sat there and watched her attach herself to Mr. Uni. But while I was like ok I don’t need to compete. After all it wasn’t like I had to guess which one he wanted to go home with. But his friends and Miss Lip were very upset by her. Michigan came over to me and was like who is she and why is she all over Mr. Uni. You obviously are “his girl” and it’s crazy how into you he is so why is he even bothering with her. His words not mine. But at this point I just laughed. So Michigan and Miss Lip decided we needed to head out to another bar in order to ditch her. Though at the same time we lost the rest of their friends. We think they were still at the bar but really we were all so drunk it didn’t matter! So off we go without Miss High School.

Jack In The Box
We had been drinking all day so of course I needed food in my stomach to drink some more!!! Sourdough Jack you really are my GOD!

Bar #5- The gaslite
Karaoke bar. Enough said.

Bar #6- The Parlor
Way too long of a line. We give up and head home.

Now we all know that when I drink I shouldn’t be allowed to be in possession of the phone and on the way back to my place I ended up in fun drunk text conversations with both Steve and Bryan. How I miss my San Diego boys who both were just as trashed as I was. Good to know I’m not the only drunk out there on my Saturday night! And even a 3am text message from Rob… goodness the drunken texts sure were flying last night!

So here I sit on my Sunday afternoon a little bit hungover, ok maybe a lot hungover still laughing at the events of last night. Sure there are parts I’ve forgotten but for the most part those were the basics of last night. And I take one thing from this experience, I might be able to hang with the boys, though I probably shouldn’t… but damn was it ever fun!

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